Stable Express are experts in both the equestrian world as well as marketing and promotion.
Online services include:
Website audit
Web Traffic analysis
Site maintenance
E-Business development
Project management
Offline services include:
Marketing literature
Public Relations
Event management
Wonders of the Web
The Web is the 'all singing, all dancing' part of the Internet. It can be a fantastic tool for marketing your organisation, but it takes work and continuity.
Take time to learn your way around the Web.
Use search engines and directories. The best way is to search for information on something that interests you. Learn how information is stored and retrieved.
6 Reasons to develop a website
your audience can be local, national and global at the same time
you can present your organisation is as much detail as you want
it can open up new markets
it's a huge resource of information, some excellent, some terrible - get to know the difference
changes can be made relatively easily and quickly unlike other media forms
you can develop a site as time, experience and money allows
4 Excuses not to have a website
it can seem overwhelming
it's a constant battle to get your site listed highly in the search engines
keeping your site fresh takes EFFORT
our customers aren't online anyway (yes, but what about new customer segments that ARE online?)
5 Actions to help you decide what to do
watch what your competitors are doing
bookmark sites that interest you and re-visit them to how they have changed
be selective in how your spend your time on the Web
analyse sites that you like and identify what you fin appealing about them
don't believe everything you read and see on the Web,
stay critical and analyse what you see.