Fly`s are a consistent annoyance for horses and horse lovers during the summer months, over the years equestrians have tried countless fly repellent options from home brew formula`s through to electrical devices all with varying levels of success.
Fly Off
Fly Off is a revolutionary new fly repellent system designed and created to be effective and long lasting solution for the equestrian world.Fly Off is a wonderful synergy ease of use and effectiveness giving you and your equine companion peace of mind. It was born out of compassion for our own horse’s annoying plight.
It is so effective and stops horses stomping, fussing, and losing weight.
It’s safe for foals and pregnant or lactating mares.
And it smells good!

As well as protecting your horse from the annoyance of fly`s, Fly Off can also help protect you, your baby and your home as well as being an ideal fly repellent when camping or going for pick nicks in the countryside.

What To Look For When Buying A Dressage Horse?
It is impressive to look at the dressage horses you see participating in international competitions like the Olympics, as they all are looking strong and magnificent. There are several reasons behind it like right training and right diet. However, it is important that you get to choose the right dressage horses for sale from the day you acquire it.When you go to a dressage horses for sale event, it is important that you have a list of things you need to look at before purchasing it. To ensure that you will get the best dressage horse to suit your needs, you might just want to take note of the following factors that needs to be considered when looking for a dressage horse for sale.
Since there are many horses you can choose from, you can short list the selection by whatever budget you have for it. It is indeed quite overwhelming to pick from a roomful of dressage horses for sale and therefore, before leaving the house, it is important that you already have an idea on up to how much you are willing to pay for the right horse.
Here are the ten things you need to consider in buying dressage horses for sale:
Know Your Budget. If you have money to spare then this would not pose a problem as you can get whatever horse you want. However, if you are trying to work within a budget, psyche yourself up before going because you might end up buying more than you can afford.
Horse Movement. Check on the movement of the dressage horse for sale. It is not good if you get something that cannot move straight whether in front or from behind.
Neck and Head Conformation. Say no to horses with faulty head conformation, meaning avoid a horse with low-set neck. You must get a horse, which can easily open up his jaw and neck. Any horse that is not built properly will have a problem in training.
Straight back. The horse has to have a strong and straight back. This will ensure that it can work well front to back and vice-versa.
Just the Right Frame. Favour those dressage horses for sale that has the right amount of frame. Nothing too wide or too narrow on the chest and shoulders as it will affect the way you seat on the horse.
Easy Temperament. As in any other animals that you want to train, the temperament is an integral factor. Having been around horses you will be able to feel if the horse you approach has an easy temperament. You can still get a horse that has a certain personality but just make sure that it is still trainable.
Pace and Stride. One way to differentiate the good ones from the bad ones in dressage horses for sale is to check the walk. It has to have a steady pace. It is important that you check if the length of horses' stride is even and long. This is one way to see if there is tension within the horse.
Natural Suspension. Most trainers will tell you that when it comes to trot and canter, everything can be improved upon training but those dressage horses for sale with pure natural ability to do them is much better.
Gaits. If the horse can extend well and reach within each of the gaits is a great indication of a good dressage horse.
True Bloodlines. Those reared from high quality and upper level dressage champions have been bred in the same way --- champions to the core.